Rosa Stern Space presents a first special edition:
Rosanna Marie Pondorf
„Marble Broker (unbroken)“
Lasergravur auf Marmor
15 x 30 cm
Edition of 10
„trace of a gesture in the form of presence …“
Fragmentary reports, moving images, coded realities, floating and falling messages. Taking off and landing. The volatility and permanent presence of information accompanies our daily lives: nothing seems to be set in stone anymore. Marble Broker (unbroken) puts contemporary and antique techniques of capturing on one level. Screenshot and marble engraving unfold a material-discursive interplay - ephemeral continuities solidify, seemingly fluid volumes take on static forms, data stream meets material history. Moment becomes monument. What remains is a flashing image in the blinding surface, which is still able to mirror its observing viewer. What we see looks at us. The horizon is wide. Through the looking glass...